November 2024

  • Nov

    College Seminar for Parents of Juniors

    Performing Arts Center
    Parents and guardians of juniors are strongly encouraged to attend this seminar to learn about Loyola Academy's College Counseling Program and the college search and application process.
    Presentation Topics include:
    • Resources available at Loyola Academy and what to expect
    • Standardized testing
    • Timeline for junior and senior years
    • Student responsibilities and expectations
    • The college admission process
    • Demonstration of Naviance Family Connection, a web-based college planning resource

    If you are unable to attend the event in person, it will be live streamed:

November 2024

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Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and national origin or ethnic origin.
© Copyright 2020 Loyola Academy