Homecoming Dance

West Gym
The semi-formal Homecoming Dance for Loyola sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Additional information is available here.
Homecoming Dance Tickets
  • Tickets for the Homecoming Dance are $30 per student and may be purchased during Spirit Week online. Students will purchase tickets through GoFanGuest permission slips must be turned in separately from the GoFan purchase. When students purchase their tickets, it is important that they create an account to access the tickets later—do not redeem tickets during the purchasing phase. Tickets will be redeemed when students check in at the dance.
  • Tickets must be purchased in advance and are not sold at the door the night of the dance.
About the Homecoming Dance
Safety is vital to a successful dance, and we ask that you take time to review these important guidelines with your Rambler and discuss behavioral expectations for the evening with your student. In addition, ask that they share their plans for the evening with you. Please remind your student that parties before and after the dance are not the real focus of the evening and, to be clear, they are not sanctioned by Loyola Academy. If you have concerns about what is occurring before and/or after the dance, we suggest you reach out to the parents of those students involved, making every attempt to ensure that plans are inclusive, supervised, and legal.

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color and national origin or ethnic origin.
© Copyright 2020 Loyola Academy