On Thursday, March 31, Loyola Academy honored twelve faculty members who have earned tenure status. The achievement of tenure is a milestone in an individual's career, and Loyola is proud to recognize members of our community who have embraced the desire to be women and men for others.
The following individuals are our 2022 tenure recipients:
Marie Benas, Science
Meghan Cunniffe, Math
Gabrielle Feldman, School Counseling
Elizabeth Kaiser, Library
Jack Keating ’08, Science
Mike Lucki, Science
Alex Lupo, Campus Ministry
Mary McGann, Languages
Brian Padden, Science
James Rice, Science
Ursula Soni, Social Studies
Margo Stack, Library
A special Mass was held on March 31 in the Chapel to acknowledge this professional achievement. Congratulations to these outstanding members of the Loyola community!