On Saturday, March 15, members of the Loyola Academy community celebrated Ramble 2025: May God Hold You. Thanks to the generosity of Loyola parents, alumni, and friends supporting our Tuition Assistance Program! Your support makes a difference in the lives of many of our students, and we thank you.
On Monday, March 10, Loyola Academy's College Counseling Department hosted its annual College Fair for students and parents to begin the college exploration process. With over 160 colleges and universities and over 600 Ramblers in attendance, Loyola's College Fair remains one of the largest private high school college fairs in the state of Illinois. Entrance to the fair was staggered to allow juniors and their parents to enter first, optimizing their time, followed by sophomores and their parents slightly later.
On Wednesday, March 5, Loyola celebrated Ash Wednesday with an all school Mass in the West Gym. During his homily, Campus Minister Rev. Arek Ciemiega, SJ, encouraged Ramblers to take time during the Lenten season to slow down and reflect on ways to open their hearts, live authentically, and embrace community through service.
On Wednesday, February 5, 16 Loyola Academy student-athletes signed a National Letter of Intent (NLI) to play their respective sports at the collegiate level. Congratulations to the following students and their parents!
Ramblers in Loyola's Orchesis Dance Company lit up the stage on Friday, February 7, and Saturday, February 8, during a spectacular performance in the McGrath Family Performing Arts Center. This annual performance celebrated the talent and hard work of our dancers, featuring student-choreographed routines in contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop.
Our school community gathered on Monday, January 13, for a special assembly to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The assembly examined Dr. King's six principles for nonviolence and how they can be used to achieve The Beloved Community.