Fine Arts Supporters Enjoy Tour of New Leemputte Family Theater

A small group of fine arts supporters gathered on Thursday, August 18, at the McGrath Family Performing Arts Center to enjoy a light reception, student-led tours of the Leemputte Family Theater, and a blessing of the new space, which officially opened in August.
Vice President of Advancement Bob Miller welcomed guests top open the evening. Next, Loyola Academy President Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ, invited everyone present to join him on stage for a special blessing in which he invoked several quotes from Pope Francis highlighting the importance of the arts:
  • “The arts give expression to the beauty of the faith and proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation.”
  • “When we admire either a work of art or a marvel of nature, we discover how everything speaks to us of Him.” 
  • “May the artists of our time, though their creativity, help us to rediscover this beauty of creation.”
“May this theater help us to continue to find God in all things,” Fr. Greg went on. “Bless all who will work and perform in it, and may the many students who will fill it for years to come be charged with your spirit to become women and men for others. In Christ our Lord, Amen.” 

Thank you to all who joined us for this special event. 

For more information on our new theater and upcoming performing arts events at Loyola, please visit
    • Center for the Performing Arts Time Lapse

      05.01.2021 to 07.31.2022

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
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