Second Century Campaign—The Theater

Spring Choir Concert

Saint Mary's of the Lake Church, 4220 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago IL 60613
Join us for a special evening of music as Loyola Academy’s choirs present Mozart’s Mass in C Major, known as the Coronation Mass, as part of their spring concert. This timeless masterwork for chorus and orchestra, first performed at the coronation of Francis II as Holy Roman Emperor in 1792, has since been a cherished selection for coronation ceremonies around the world.

This performance will take place in the magnificent acoustics and sacred setting of Saint Mary of the Lake in Chicago. As we celebrate the tradition of May Crowning through music, we invite all to experience the beauty and grandeur of this classical masterpiece.

This is a free concert and open to all.

Loyola Academy

1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089  |  847-256-1100
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